
Cancer Treatment Articles

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by Roshana Cancer Center

Roshana Cancer Institud

Regarding the growing trend of bad cancerous tumors prevalence across the country, radiotherapy has attained a special status as an effectual and very effective method of treating 60% to 70% of such patients. Thus, the urgent need for specialized centers in this area has been felt more than ever.
Having supplied the latest equipment required for implementing various methods of advanced radiotherapy such as 3CRT, TSET, IMRT, IGRT as well as the having the capacity for conducting VMAT technic, Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center has turned into a unique facility in the country. This center provides the patients with the state-of-the-art treatment methods so that they are treated on the basis of world’s most updated standards in the best possible manner.


Three-Dimensional Comparative Radiotherapy (3DCRT)
3DCRT as a method of treatment is actually an applied procedure of a long history in terms of treating cancer. All the treatment stages are fulfilled at Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center with the help of 3D images and advanced treatment designing systems.

Intensity-Modulation Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
IMRT is the hallmark of new radiotherapy methods through which the task of treatment is based on increasing the prescribed dosage to be administered into the tumor-afflicted tissue and protecting maximum healthy tissues around it from the harm resulting from radiation.
As compared to some older technics of treatment, by means of implementing IMRT method the patients will enjoy a better chance of survival and they will suffer less side-effects during the treatment and even afterwards.

Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT)
VMAT is one of the latest methods of treatment as far as radiotherapy is concerned and fortunately Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center has the capability to carry out this technic. In this regard Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center benefits from the latest methods of radiotherapy which are implemented at the moment all across the world.

Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
Taking into consideration the fact that Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center is well equipped with aSi-500 imaging system, treatment based on simultaneous imaging with the highest degree of precision is available at this facility in a way that through this technic we are capable of intensifying the relevant precision up to the highest degree through it which is definitely the optimum treatment of best quality.
Other than the hardware-related capabilities necessary for executing new treatment methods, Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center’s treatment staff have attained sufficient experience and education in this field by attending various advanced training courses in countries of treatment breakthroughs such as Switzerland, Germany and India so that they can provide our country’s patients with services of a different nature and maximum precision.

Entire Body Radiotherapy by Electronic Beam (TEST)
Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center is among the world’s rare facilities that is heading towards implementing this technic by using electronic beams for treating skin tumors afflicting a vast portion of the patient’s skin and has benefited from the knowledge of experienced individuals as well as European countries.

Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center’s Unique Capabilities:
Having benefited from unique instruments such as
Linear acceleratorA made by Varian company from the USA, absolute and relative dosimetry systems made by PTW company from Germany, phantoms for verifying pre-treatment dosage administration accuracy by using Delta 4 made in Sweden, Portal Dosimetry and also treatment designing Eclips(V136) system; Roshana Cancer Comprehensive Center has achieved the required potentialities as to conducting new treatment methods as a progressive facility in this regard.

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possible complications of cancer treatment and its control methods :